Blog & News

Litora ut felis pulvinar porttitor pede iaculis vehicula. Tellus erat nunc fusce nisi dictum rutrum.

Empower Yourself to be Healthy

Can we talk? Empower yourself to be healthy. #WomensHealth week is the perfect time to schedule that annual exam you’ve been putting off. Did you

Walk the Talk for Epilepsy

The Epilepsy Foundation of Florida (EFOF) leads the fight to overcome the challenges of living with Epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find

Put Your Health First

EFOF Navigators are here to help you “Put Your Health First” through our #Coverage2Care education campaign.  Here are a few things to consider: Maintain a

Healthcare Cost Worries Increase

More people say they struggle w/ #healthcosts, including deductibles, premiums, prescription drug costs, than in 2015, according to a new poll commissioned by the Kaiser

Immigrants and the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Lawfully present immigrants can qualify to purchase an affordable healthcare policy through the ACA, often with premium subsidies and share-of-costs. And the Epilepsy Foundation of

Enroll and #GetCovered All Year Long

The answer is “Yes!” Outside of Open Enrollment, there are two ways to #GetCovered for the rest of 2017 through the Healthcare Marketplace: Special Enrollment Periods: